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Culture Polaridi | Youth such as string, play the music of civilization
Release date: [2023/7/26] Read total of [584] times

Youth is devoted to the party

Young people speak civilly

Youth is like the sun, shining brightly

On June 15, 2023, the Youth League Branch of the Institute organized a meeting, and announced the official establishment of the Youth Civilization of the Institute, and all the members of the Institute Youth League branch attended the meeting. 

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Youth is like a star, bright and dazzling

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Theory is cited and practice is proved

 The Youth League branch of Polaroid Research Institute thoroughly implemented the important ideas on youth work, and organized all the members to carry out learning and exchange activities. 

01Youth should not forget the original heart

 He pointed out that young people are the future and hope of the country, and youth work is an important part of the work of the Party and the country, but also an important link to strengthen the party building. 

As the youth of the new era, we should not forget our original intention, stick to our mission, speak of civilization, innovate, integrate theory into life, and fulfill our commitment with action.

02 Youth should be down to earth

 Secondly, carry out group discussion and communication, so that everyone can conduct in-depth research and reflection on the learning content. Finally, through the way of live speech and sharing, everyone can share their learning results and perceptions to sublimate their thoughts on the one hand, and enrich their self-cognition by learning from others' ideas and opinions on the other hand, so as to form a two-way improvement mode of internal and external complementarity.

As the youth of the new era, we should be down-to-earth, look to the future and deeply cultivate the present, keep civilization in mind and implement it in action.

03Young people should forge ahead

In this learning activity, the Youth League branch of Polaroid Research Institute mainly discussed a series of issues such as how young people play a main role in work, how to actively explore a suitable working model for themselves, and how to train and create a group of young talents with lofty ideals and innovative spirit. During the exchange, everyone expressed their own ideas and opinions, and shared measures and suggestions on how to better play the main role of young people in their work, hoping to make modest contributions to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

As the youth of the new era, we should not be afraid of difficulties, forge ahead, speak the words of civilization, do civilized things, and set up the pole of civilization.


Youth, like pine, is green all the year round


Through this learning activity, the young staff of the Youth League branch of the Institute not only improved their theoretical level, but also stimulated their own awareness of innovation. 

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 In the future, the Youth League branch of the Institute will actively organize and carry out more diverse forms of learning activities with rich content, and contribute more strength to the development of youth work.