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Strictly Protecting the Environment and Accepting the Transfer of Coastal Textile Industry Promoting the Transformation and Upgrading of Huarong Textile Industry
Release date: [2018/4/28] Read total of [984] times

On January 31, the dispatching meeting for the inspection of Huarong County's textile and apparel industry and the construction of an environmental protection industrial park was held. Liu Tiejian, secretary of the county party committee, deputy secretary of the county party committee, and Wei Weijun, county governor; Qian Danqing, deputy secretary of the county party committee; Hu Jun, member of the county party committee standing committee and county party committee office; deputy county heads Zhang Dahong and Li Yong attended the meeting.

The meeting introduced the two outbound dockings and inspections organized by Huarong County in January this year. On January 13th, Huarong County established the Merchants Squadron and went to Xintang Town, Zengcheng District, Guangzhou to open a 14-day inviting point for attracting tourists, face-to-face with Zengcheng denim garment industry and local governments and companies, and conduct detailed inspections, study, and exchanges. The development status and industry transfer plan for washing, dyeing and finishing and denim garment enterprises in the environmental protection industrial park in the area. On January 22nd, the Huayou County Investment Team once again went to Binhai Industrial Park in Keqiao District of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province and Longwan Industrial Park in Qingyuan City of Guangdong Province, focusing on the basic conditions of the textile printing and dyeing industrial parks in the two places.

Liu Tiejian pointed out that Huarong County is a famous city of China's cotton textile and textile industry base in Hunan Province. It is necessary to combine the opportunities of the coastal textile dyeing and finishing industry and the transfer of printing and dyeing industrial parks to further optimize the Huarong County Park environment and vigorously promote industrial transformation and upgrading; all relevant departments must Under the premise of not forgetting the environmental protection and rectification, we will work hard on the target and list detailed task lists for regulation, land acquisition, environmental protection, construction of sewage treatment plants, investment attraction, etc., and will “build nesting and attract phoenix” and “introduce phoenix and build nests”. Simultaneously, relying on the existing advantages of Huarong County Industrial Park, advance in an orderly manner.

At the meeting, Tao Weijun deployed one by one for park land, water supply capacity of the park, park sewage treatment capacity, central park heating, declaration of industrial park regulation, and investment promotion in the park. It clearly required that foreign companies come to the county to invest in the industry to create an excellent park. surroundings.

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